Friday, July 06, 2012

Follow Friday | 04

Friday, July 06, 2012 with 16 comments
Follow Friday, or Feature & Follow, is a meme hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. The premise is for bloggers to get to know other bloggers, and keep in touch with each other. This week's question:

Jumping Genres: Ever pick up a book from a genre you usually don't like and LOVE it? Tell us about it and why you picked it up in the first place.

Okay, so this is a hard one. I am a pretty diverse reader - I don't care what genre a book is, if it sounds interesting I will read it. Ever since I was a kid, I devoured books. I really am going to have dig deep here, and say that in high school, there was this time when I started getting into manga and graphic novels. Yes, when I was a kid I enjoyed reading those kiddie comics you find in magazines - I even liked MAD magazine and CRACKED magazine as a kid because I would steal them from my older brothers. But those were 'just for fun' comics, nothing that got me truly interested in the genre. 

But there are two series that really stand out for me, one which really got me into manga (Fruits Basket), and one which carved out a special place in my heart for graphic novels, period (W.I.T.C.H). 

These are two of the best comics I have ever read. Fruits Basket was amazing - if you've ever seen the anime, this goes much further. The basic premise is that this girl, Tohru, is homeless and living in a tent after her mother passes away, without realizing that she is on the land of some members of the Sohma family. They find out about this and decide to take her in, and she soon realizes that the family is cursed: whenever they are weak or hugged by someone of the opposite sex, they each turn into a different animal from the Chinese zodiac.

W.I.T.C.H, on the other hand, is an Italian comic about five teenage girls who discover that they each hold the power over a different element (Earth, Air, Water, Fire, and one girl is sort of the leader). They also learn that they are guardians of the veil, which was put up to keep the universe safe from those who wish to harm it. They aren't really witches, but they call themselves W.I.T.C.H because that's what their initials spell out.

Both comics are truly amazing, and do well to explain the power of friendship. Both are highly recommended if you're a fan of Harry Potter - especially W.I.T.C.H. These series are both what truly got me hooked on graphic novels, and I read them before I even got started on superhero comics.


  1. Quite a interesting, never though to look to read though or Comics. I will have to think about that and pick up comics to read it want something different.

    My FF:

  2. Interesting. I've done very little reading in graphic novels (I knew a friend when I was younger who read some strange looking manga stuff. Very strange stuff). I read Anya's Ghost a few other books with illustrations that have made me think its worth being open too.

    My follow friday. Hope you visit! New follower!

  3. Replies
    1. Haha - yes, I remember you. Checking out your post! :)

  4. Someone else mentioned the fruit basket one for manga. Most be a good one.

    new follower via linky

    -Amanda P
    Paranormal Romance

  5. Very interesting answer. That's cool. I might check it out.

    New follower.

  6. Nice answer. I just reviewed my first graphic novel (about werewolves) recently and enjoyed myself!

    New follower via GFC.

    Would love you to check out my blog, Ensconced in YA!

  7. Hopping through. Yay Fruits Basket! It was the first manga series I read. A great way to start.
    My Hop

  8. Hm. Interesting. Once upon a time I used to have thousands of dollars of manga, but I got tired of spending so much money for a 30 minute read. But, I understand the nostalgia of good graphic novel series. :)

    New Follower!

  9. I used to love the W.I.T.C.H TV programme, I still have the DVD haha. I like the manga for Fruits Basket as well, it got me hooked on more shoujo manga :)

    Thanks for following, following back!

    1. Oh, yes! The TV show is what got me into the graphic novels! I liked how different the comics were from the series....thanks for following back! :)

  10. I'm a fairly diverse reader, but I've never tried manga before. Thanks for stopping by, new follower :)

  11. OMG! I love W.I.T.C.H too! I have the whole set except the very first one since when I started collecting it, they don't reprint anymore. :( I love reading mangas too, either Shoujo or Shounen type.

    Here's my FF Post.

    New follower! :)

  12. W.I.T.C.H I love them! I'm still so sad that I don't have the last ones! I stopped in the middle, but they are very nice :) Never read the ending..

    old follower ^^

  13. Hello Kimberly!
    Ohmygoodness, Fruits Basket was the first manga I ever read and it was bloody amazing. I haven't heard of W.I.T.C.H, but I've just added it to my TBR :) I'm a new follower!



Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are truly appreciated, and I always try to respond to each of you at your own blogs. Have an awesome day! :)