Monday, December 21, 2015

At the end of every year, I like to participate in this five-day Top 10 of _____ event. This year, of course, the event is titled Top 10 of 2015, and it is hosted by FiktshunMagical Urban Fantasy Reads, Tales of the Ravenous Reader, and Two Chicks On Books. As I am a huge fan of making lists, I find this event to be a lot of fun! I enjoy reflecting on the books I've read all year, and thinking about which book should make what list, and why or why not. The first topic of the event is The Best Books I've Read In 2015, and while I read a lot of great books this year, I was able to narrow it down to the following ten:


I think my favorite book this year was Fangirl, which just blew my mind with how good it was! I can't believe how much I have in common with Cath - it really improved my reading experience a great deal. It's just nice to find someone to relate to while reading. Plus, I loved the whole world that Rainbow created, and I'm excited to get to read the spin-off novel, Carry On!

Furiously Happy was a close second, which I loved because I enjoyed the author's humor, and could actually relate to her. Like Jenny, I struggle with depression and anxiety, though I don't feel I'm at a level where I could accomplish what she has. It's an inspiration, though, to read about all of her experiences. I highly recommend this one!

So, what were some of the best books that you've read this year? 
Please share in the comments below!