Thursday, January 31, 2013


{} Short Stories

Thursday, January 31, 2013 with 1 comment


This week's book chat, hosted by Sweet Green Tangerine and It's The Journey, is all about short stories. While I normally read full-length novels, once in a while I'll read a short story or novella to mix things up a bit. I feel that reading a good short story is a great way to get out of a reading slump, and is also a refreshing read after finishing a truly epic book or series, like Harry Potter or The Lord of the Rings - during that short time-frame when you feel as if you can never read again, because you want to stay in the worlds you were previously in. Yup, short stories can help you with that.

My absolute favorite short story is:
by Christina Rossetti
So this may technically be a poem, but it's a really long one that tells a short story about two sisters, some goblins, and magical fruit. I love it!

Some of my other favorite short stories include:

I also have a huge love for fairy tales, myths, and legends from all over the world. I enjoy reading the Brothers Grimm, Hans Christian Anderson, and Charles Perrault, amongst others.

So, have you read any of the short stories I mentioned? Which are your favorites? Feel free to join in and link up with the rest of us HERE.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wow, I haven't done a Waiting on Wednesday post in quite a while - thanks to Breaking the Spine for hosting! I think that there are just so many books out there that I can't wait to start reading, so narrowing down choices for this post is always a bit difficult, but I just discovered a really amazing sounding book on My Cute Bookshelf that I just had to share with you! Here it is:

by Amanda Sun
Expected Publication: June 25, 2013 by Harlequin Teen

I looked down at the paper, still touching the tip of my shoe. I reached for it, flipping the page over to look.

Scrawls of ink outlined a drawing of a girl lying on a bench.

A sick feeling started to twist in my stomach, like motion sickness.

And then the girl in the drawing turned her head, and her inky eyes glared straight into mine.

On the heels of a family tragedy, the last thing Katie Greene wants to do is move halfway across the world. Stuck with her aunt in Shizuoka, Japan, Katie feels lost. Alone. She doesn’t know the language, she can barely hold a pair of chopsticks, and she can’t seem to get the hang of taking her shoes off whenever she enters a building.

Then there’s gorgeous but aloof Tomohiro, star of the school’s kendo team. How did he really get the scar on his arm? Katie isn’t prepared for the answer. But when she sees the things he draws start moving, there’s no denying the truth: Tomo has a connection to the ancient gods of Japan, and being near Katie is causing his abilities to spiral out of control. If the wrong people notice, they'll both be targets.

Katie never wanted to move to Japan—now she may not make it out of the country alive.

Why I Can't Wait To Read This
You guys, this book takes place in Japan! I am a bit obsessed with East Asian cultures, especially Japan's. It's just so refreshing to see a YA novel coming out that takes place there. Plus, it doesn't even take place in Tokyo, but in Shizuoka (maybe it's just me, but a large majority of American novels that take place in Japan seem to be set in Tokyo). 

AND AND AND.....the main guy is on the kendo team!!! Sorry, but I am completely fan-girling over this book already, and it won't even be released for like, half a year. I can't help it. Oh, and I should probably mention that this book is the first in a new series!

What do you guys think?

And if you could please recommend some already published Japan-related YA novels to tide me over until the release of this book, I would love you forever!

Monday, January 28, 2013


Through The Ever Night by Veronica Rossi

Monday, January 28, 2013 with 1 comment

It's been months since Aria last saw Perry. Months since Perry was named Blood Lord of the Tides, and Aria was charged with an impossible mission. Now, finally, they are about to be reunited. But their reunion is far from perfect. The Tides don't take kindly to Aria, a former Dweller. And with the worsening Aether storms threatening the tribe's precarious existence, Aria begins to fear that leaving Perry behind might be the only way to save them both.

Threatened by false friends, hidden enemies, and powerful temptations, Aria and Perry wonder, Can their love survive through the ever night?

In this second book in her spellbinding Under the Never Sky trilogy, Veronica Rossi combines fantasy and dystopian elements to create a captivating love story as perilous as it is unforgettable.

I tend to feel weird when I start reading a sequel to a book that I love - I can't help but have all of these questions running through my mind, like: What if this book doesn't live up to the first one? or What if the author decides to veer off in a completely different direction, and changes the characters too much? There's a lot to worry about when it comes to continuation novels. Luckily for me, those questions were immediately dismissed upon reading the first couple chapters of this book.

I don't know how she does it (perhaps with her powers of awesome, maybe) but Ms. Rossi managed to shell out a continuation novel to Under The Never Sky that truly felt like I was still reading the first book. And that's a rare statement for me to make, but I mean it - the writing felt the same, the characters felt like themselves, and the transition from book one to book two was woven seamlessly.

As in the first novel, Through The Ever Night continued to be told from the perspectives of both Aria and Peregrine. There's also more Roar! I just adore Roar, and I love his friendship with Aria and Perry. But I must highly recommend that before starting this book, you read Rossi's short novella, Roar and Liv, which will give you not only important details on its title characters, but some real insight into Perry's life before he met Aria. I had to stop reading this book about halfway through just so I could read the novella, because I could see that it was going to be helpful.

I don't want to spoil this sequel too much for any of you, so I'll just make this short and simple: Through The Ever Night was all I could ever hope for in a continuation novel, and so much more - so, so, sooo much more! I really enjoyed reading about Perry's relationship with the Tides, Aria's growing friendship with Roar, and getting to meet Sable and, finally, Liv. I don't know how I'm going to wait a whole year before I can read the finale to this epic trilogy, but I know that I will be pre-ordering book three so that I can read it as soon as it's released! Like book one, I give this story 5/5 Stars.


Fighting to Survive by Rhiannon Frater (As the World Dies, #2)
Adult Zombie Series
Paperback Release: January 29th 2013 / Tor Books

It’s time to clear the hotel.

The fort has grown crowded as survivors of the zombie apocalypse have found safety between its walls. Winter is coming; soon it will be too cold to live in tents and other makeshift shelters. The leaders of the survivors—Katie, Jenni, Juan, Travis, and Nerit—decide it’s time for an assault on the zombie-occupied hotel that looms over the town square.

A pitched battle in the banquet room is the start of a harrowing, room-by-room struggle from Reception to roof. As the sun sets, the people of Ashley Oaks gather in the hotel’s rooftop ballroom and gazebo to celebrate their survival. Gazing out over the beauty of the surrounding Texas countryside, it’s hard to believe that death and danger lurk around every corner.

The fort’s search and rescue teams have attracted unwanted attention from bandits who see the fort as competition for food . . . and as a ready source of women. The first attacks are minor, but everyone knows there is worse to come.

And beyond the fort’s walls, the zombies shamble, moaning, eyes fastened hungrily upon the living.

Purchase This Novel:
Barnes & Noble

The Complete As The World Dies Trilogy:
(Click Covers To View On Goodreads)


About The Author

Rhiannon Frater is the award-winning author of the As the World Dies trilogy (The First Days, Fighting to Survive, Siege,) and the author of three other books: the vampire novels Pretty When She Dies and The Tale of the Vampire Bride and the young-adult zombie novel The Living Dead Boy and the Zombie Hunters. Inspired to independently produce her work from the urging of her fans, she published The First Days in late 2008 and quickly gathered a cult following. She won the Dead Letter Award back-to-back for both The First Days and Fighting to Survive, the former of which the Harrisburg Book Examiner called ‘one of the best zombie books of the decade.’ Rhiannon is currently represented by Hannah Gordon of the Foundry + Literary Media agency. You may contact her by sending an email to

Women, Society and the Zombocalypse
Rhiannon Frater

I honestly didn’t set out to write a feminist take on the zombocalypse when I started writing AS THE WORLD DIES as an online serial. I just wrote about the sort of people I that exist in my everyday life.  The characters all evolved naturally as I wrote, as did their complicated relationships and sometimes disastrous choices.  It was only later that I fully began to understand how ground-breaking having two female leads in the genre actually was.
Admittedly, Jenni and Katie were born out of my desire to read a zombie story that was from a woman’s perspective. AS THE WORLD DIES was born as online serial in 2005. At that time zombie fiction was inundated with the lone gunman wandering across the zombie-infested lands. Women, children, and men who weren’t Rambo in disguise were merely zombie fodder.  The women played the roles of the love interest (who often died), the victims, and the zombies.  It became demoralizing to read over and over again stereotypes that bore no real resemblance to any of the women in my life.  So when the characters of Jenni and Katie invaded my mind one day at work, I wanted to write their story and share it with others.
When I started the serial, I wanted to write about real men and women with flaws and strengths struggling to rebuild society in the zombie wastelands.  If history has shown us one thing, it’s that humans survive in communities. I didn’t want to create a world of alpha males and subservient women, or vice versa.  I wanted to write about real people dealing with real life issues while facing the undead hordes. I didn’t want to shy away from the difficulties of creating a new community. Differences of opinion, religion, culture, etc. were definitely going to cause problems at some point. Little did I realize that the issues my characters tackled in the online serial (which ran from 2005-2007) would become hotbed issues in 2012.  Religion, gay rights, and gender equality are all topics the people in the fort are forced to deal with while still dealing with bandits and zombies.

Oddly enough, I never thought about any of the females in my story as being “strong” or unusual. The positive feedback to the characters was definitely a reaction to all the stereotypical women in these kinds of books. People were genuinely surprised to read such positive portrayals. The readers weren’t surprised that the women were strong and competent; they were surprised to see an accurate portrayal of themselves, their wives, their girlfriends, mothers, and sisters. Quite a few male friends have told me that they loved how certain female characters reminded them strongly of the women they love.  Female fans have also shared how refreshing it was to see women doing the types of things they would do in the zombocalypse—like killing zombies.
Jenni and Katie aren’t wonder women or superhuman like Alice in the Resident Evil films. They aren’t perfect either. Each has to deal with the aftermath of the destruction of their lives and they don’t always make the right choices.  But they aren’t afraid to fight for their own lives and those they love. They step up and take part in the planning of the new community and fight for the survival of everyone.

Though I get a lot of kudos for my female characters, I don’t feel that any of my male characters suffer from standing alongside competent women.  I didn’t want to resort to the alpha male stereotype with my male characters, but I also didn’t want to weaken them. Travis and Juan play vital roles in the story and are just regular men facing horrible circumstances.  They understand that to survive everyone has to work together and have their own strengths and weaknesses.  One of my greatest compliments was when someone told me that he could totally see himself hanging out with my male characters because they were just “dudes.”

There are, of course, men that don’t like the women playing such a strong role. One of them, Shane, becomes a dangerous foe to Katie when she has to kill his brother after he becomes infected.  It’s in Shane and his cohort that we see a more dismissive attitude toward women and other people in general.  Shane and Phillip are great at entering the zombie-infested towns and salvaging for supplies and serve the community well, but their attitudes toward women, especially bisexual Katie, creates serious problems for the burgeoning society in FIGHTING TO SURVIVE.  Shane and Phillip challenge the rules of the new society with their behavior. One particularly upsetting scene between Shane and Katie immediately causes a rift among the people in the fort as people take sides in a “he said, she said” battle.

One of the things that’s often missing in fiction, especially post-apocalyptic fiction, is the strong friendship bonds that exist among people.  Often the survivors are not really friends, but people thrown together that just barely get along.  In AS THE WORLD DIES, I enjoyed portraying various types of friendship bonds. There are best buddies, Juan and Travis, BFFs Ken and Lenore, and Jenni and Katie’s strong, sisterly friendship. 
Though people comment on all three friendships as being refreshing and similar to ones they share in their real lives, the one that stands out the most is the friendship between Jenni and Katie. Women are not often portrayed as being friends in fiction. In fact, a lot of heroines are often the only women in the book.  Jenni and Katie’s friendship was one of the things my editor at Tor really enjoyed. It’s so rare to see female best friends who love and support each other. Usually women are portrayed as rivals. Since I have close female friends in my life it felt only natural to have Jenni and Katie be close.

In closing…I am very happy that readers embrace the characters and feel they are an honest, realistic version of people they have in their own lives.  I am also pleased that readers have enjoyed the dynamics of the new and growing society in the middle of the zombocalypse. 

Author Links:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sunday, January 27, 2013


A Meme By The Story Siren &
Stacking The Shelves, A Meme By Tynga's Reviews

So I may have only gotten one book this past week, but oh my gosh, you guys - it's Kelly Thompson's The Girl Who Would Be King! I was just so exited to receive this awesome book, I hurried to finish Through The Ever Night in order to start it (which wasn't that difficult, since that book was amazing). Here it is in all it's glory:

How great does that cover look? I think this cover looks very superhero-y, which is perfect as this book just happens to be a superhero novel! The art was done by Stephanie Hans, who's portfolio is filled with beautiful illustrations, so feel free to check out her site by clicking on her name above.

Now, in addition to this gorgeous hardback edition of the novel, I also noticed that the first few pages also held a couple nice surprises:

If you guys haven't heard of Kickstarter, you should really give it a shot. It's a great way to discover new projects and products, while helping people achieve their dreams by providing some funding (even $1 can go a long way, if enough people donate). The Girl Who Would Be King was actually published thanks to funding it received from fans on Kickstarter. This is why the particular edition of the novel I received was a limited edition signed hardcover - it was a thank you from author Kelly Thompson to her Kickstarter fans for helping her fund the publishing of this novel. And some really cool swag also came with it:

I think I'm most excited to find out what's in that blue envelope, which is sealed with: Do not open until you have finished reading 'The Girl Who Would Be King.' Very cool, indeed. And for those of you who may be interested in reading this novel, you can purchase an eBook version on Amazon for only $2.99! If you have a membership to Amazon Prime, you can even borrow it from the lending library for free! 

So, what do you guys think of Kickstarter? Have any of you ever funded a project listed on the site? I'm very curious to know...

Well, thanks for stopping by! Sorry to bombard you with all my excitement at receiving this novel, but I had to share it with someone! What did you receive in your mailbox this past week? 

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Amazon | Goodreads

As the dying planet Krypton tears itself apart, Jor-El, Krypton's greatest scientist, launches a tiny interstellar ship into the frigid void of space bearing in its hold his only child--the infant who will become Earth's Superman! From his childhood in Smallville, to his emergence as Metropolis newsman Clark Kent, through his battles with his arch-enemy Luthor, his story is told anew and as never before, with all the drama and excitement that have enthralled three generations of fans! 

I'll be honest, on my superhero grading scale, Superman doesn't really fall anywhere near the top (my top 3 being: the X-Men, Spider-Man, & Batman). Sure, I absolutely love the show Smallville, and I even enjoy watching Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, but I have never cracked open a Superman comic book, and I don't really care for him in most of his other forms (be it cartoon, movie, etc.).

Nonetheless, I found an old copy of this book and decided to give it a shot, as I've been re-watching Smallville and was kinda feelin' it. One thing to note about this book is that it was first published in 1978, so of course it's rather dated (which I don't mind, as every decade has its own good books and bad books). In fact, it was actually pretty fun to read something from the late 70s, because I got to picture clothing and technology in a vastly different way than I normally do while reading.

Anywho, despite going into this book not knowing whether or not I would like Maggin's novel version of Superman, I soon found myself enjoying it. Maggin really captured the feel of the Silver Age of Comic Books through his writing, and though I have yet to read a Superman comic, this book made me feel as though I was reading one. Even the storyline felt very comic-y: it involved Jor-El sending off a baby Superman into the care of an earthling named Albert Einstein, who put him in the care of a really nice couple (John & Martha Kent); it also described an adult Superman having to work together with nemesis Lex Luthor in order to thwart an evil plan by an alien enemy.

What I really enjoyed reading in this book was the relationship between Superman and Lex Luthor. Maggin juxtaposed flashbacks of their boyhood friendship with scenes of their current rivalry, which really painted a picture of the complicated relationship that they have. If there is one thing about the Superman franchise that I love, it's the relationship between Lex and Clark (one of the reasons why I love Smallville so much). Maggin really made Lex so friggin' awesome - in this story he was less poised billionaire player, and more spastic-oddball science geek (love!).

Lex was the best part of this novel, and really made me laugh out loud. I may have found the storyline to be a bit on the dorky side (Albert Einstein and aliens? Really?), but his character made it all worth it. I don't think I'll ever read this one again, though, and I'd give it 3.5 Stars. By my particular rating scale it gets:


This week's discussion is all about what books we are reading, and at the moment, I am reading two books and one novella. They are:

Siege by Rhiannon Frater
Siege is the final book in Rhiannon Frater's As The World Dies trilogy - a zombie series that is all about people who are fighting to survive in a dying world. I absolutely love this series and its' characters! I'm about 31% through this novel (which is longer than the previous books in the series), and I am keeping my fingers crossed that my favorite people make it through....Luckily for me, Frater has also put out a couple of volumes of short stories (soon to be three!) featuring background stories for some of the minor characters in this series. This means that once I finish the trilogy, I get to stay with these peeps a for a little while longer! Yippee!

       * Check out the first book in this trilogy HERE

Through The Ever Night by Veronica Rossi
Through The Ever Night is the second book in Veronica Rossi's Under The Never Sky trilogy. Let me tell you, I did not expect to love this series as much as I do! On my kindle, I am exactly 58% through the story, and since I started this series, there has never been a dull moment! I think the reason I love it so much is that it is told from two perspectives: the chapters alternate between the characters Aria and Peregrine, so everything isn't always one sided. I had to put it on pause so that I could read the novella that Rossi wrote on the characters Roar and Liv, as knowing their background will surely play a crucial part in understanding the rest of this book.

       * Check out the first book in this trilogy HERE

Roar and Liv: An Under The Never Sky Story by Veronica Rossi
I've just barely started this novella, so I don't have much to say about it, but I truly adore Roar, so I'm excited about this! I don't really know much about Liv, but if Roar loves her, then she must be pretty cool. I am expecting this to be a quick read, that way I can finish up Through The Ever Night.


I tried to keep this short, so sorry for not including the synopsis for these books. If you'd like to know more about them, you can read their descriptions on Goodreads by clicking on their pictures above. So, now that I've told you about what I'm reading, I'd like to know what you're reading. Let me know in the comments!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


{Movie Review} Hello I Must Be Going

Wednesday, January 23, 2013 with No comments

Circumstances force a young divorcée to move back in with her parents in suburban Connecticut, where an affair with a younger guy rejuvenates her passion for life.
I know that this is mainly a book review blog, but I am a huge fan of indie films, and once in a while I'll come across a movie so awesome that I just have to share it with the rest of the world! This film is no exception.

Directed by Todd Louiso with a screenplay by Sarah Koskoff, Hello I Must Be Going tells the story a 30-something-year-old, recently divorced Amy, who is an unemployed Liberal Arts graduate living at home with her parents. She is also constantly being put down down by others (mainly her mother) due to her unfortunate situation.

Amy is introduced to the 19-year-old stage actor, Jeremy, at a family social dinner, and soon enters a secret emotional & sexual relationship with him. Jeremy, like Amy, feels lost in life, and he not only hates his career in acting, but feels he has to play along with a mother who thinks that he's gay. As Amy and Jeremy develop their relationship, they not only learn how to love and be loved, but find out more about themselves and where they want to be in life.

Main Cast:
Blythe Danner as Ruth Minsky (Amy's Mom)
John Rubinstein as Stan Minsky (Amy's Dad)
Julie White as Gwen (Jeremy's Mom)

This film was just spectacular! I may not be an unemployed divorcee, but as a 23-year-old Liberal Arts graduate, I can definitely relate to the lead character, Amy. This movie wasn't just about a taboo love affair, it was about personal growth. The story moved at a good pace, and sucked me in from the very beginning. I also found the acting to be superb, with very believable characters. I think I find myself enjoying a film much more if I can relate to one or more of the characters in the movie, so finding a common ground with Amy's emotions really made me feel more connected to the film.

I think I feel like Amy most of the time...

I also feel that I should mention that Jeremy is pretty hot, and absolutely adorable, so I can see why Amy was drawn to him. I don't want to spoil anything for you, so I'm just going to say that I enjoyed the film in it's entirety, and felt that the ending of this movie was just perfect for the characters involved - no rushed ending here. I would highly recommend this movie to anyone - especially those of you who may feel a bit lost in life like Amy, Jeremy, or myself.

My Rating:
5/5 Stars

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


The dead rise…

A mysterious incident in Russia, a blip buried in the news—it’s the only warning humanity receives that civilization will soon be destroyed by a single, voracious virus that creates monsters of men.

Humanity falls…

A lawyer, still grieving over the death of his young wife, begins to write as a form of therapy. Bur he never expected that his anonymous blog would ultimately record humanity’s last days.

The end of the world has begun…

Governments scramble to stop the zombie virus, people panic, so-called “Safe Havens” are established, the world erupts into chaos; soon it’s every man, woman, and child for themselves. Armed only with makeshift weapons and the will to live, a lone survivor will give mankind one last chance against…

Apocalypse Z

I had a lot of mixed feelings about this story. It started out okay, though it was rather slow. I was intrigued with the idea that the main character, a lawyer whose name was never mentioned, had been writing a blog at the time the zombie apocalypse was just beginning. He was able to document the whole thing from his unique perspective, all because his wife had died and his doctor had recommended he start blogging as a form of therapy.
This had all the makings of a great story, but rather than just starting off slow, this book continued at a slow pace. It got so boring in some areas that I really had to force myself to continue on. I also found myself rolling my eyes a lot at the lawyer's luck:
  1. He just happened to live in a home that was surrounded by a 10 foot wall, as his wife had wanted privacy.
  2. His power had been going out a lot, so he just happened to get solar panels installed on his roof for electricity, just in case.
  3. He didn't care to go out a lot, so he just happened to decide to buy about 2 weeks worth of food at the grocery store, and stock up on water.
I mean, come on. What are the chances? Still, it did add a bit of humor in that he was completely clueless as to what was going on. When he finally realized that there was a sickness going around, he never even once thought of zombies. At some point in the book, he mentions zombies from films, yet how could he not think that any of the symptoms mentioned on the news or online could have been zombies? Nowadays I'm sure that many people would have come to that conclusion sooner, no matter how hard it is to believe that would really happen.

At any rate, I was glad I made myself finish the novel, because the ending was well worth it. It moved at a much faster pace, and was actually pretty scary (the lawyer ended up in a hospital at one point, which zombie aficionados would know to be infested with zombies). It's true that at some point in the novel, the blog & journal entries stopped looking like actual written entries, & more like regular chapters in a book, but I was okay with that because it allowed for the action to be better described.

This book is the first in a trilogy by Spanish author Manel Loureiro, and is translated into English by Pamela Carmell. I'm unsure as to whether I'll continue this series or not - the last part of the novel was really good, but the majority of it had still been rather slow and dull. Maybe if Amazon offers the sequels as free for members of Amazon Prime to borrow, like this one was, then I'll give them a try. It's possible that this first novel was only dry because it had to detail the very beginning of the apocalypse from such a clueless-seeming perspective. It may also be the translation from Spanish to English that made it dry, though I would never know unless I learned Spanish and read the original version. I wouldn't read the first one again, though, which is why I'll give it 2 Stars.


A Meme By The Broke and the Bookish

This topic was actually a lot harder than I originally thought it would be - the first few settings came easy to me, but then I really had to sit down and think about other settings I'd like to read about. There was really no trouble narrowing down anything since the real challenge was just coming up with ten settings, period. Here are my ten picks:

When I was younger, I always wished I could have gone
to a boarding school. Some of the best books have taken 
place in such schools, too (Looking for Alaska, anyone?)

Castles are awesome, and full of all sorts of
interesting rooms (think Harry Potter)

I graduated from college in 2011, but I still feel
like I can relate to the college experience. I even
wanna go back for my masters. (my favorite series
with a college setting - Secret Society Girl)

I've always wanted to go on a road trip, which
may be why I've been so drawn to films and novels
that feature epic road trips (like Paper Towns)

I always enjoy reading novels that take place in my 
home state - especially if they're in cities I have close 
ties to, like San Antonio, Austin, or my hometown 
of El Paso (which is also where the Blue Beetle is from!)

One of my favorite cities in the entire world! When
I went to London, I had never really even been outside
of Texas - it opened a whole new world for me, and
will always hold a special piece of my heart (a cute novel
with a London setting - Can You Keep A Secret?)

I really need to start reading more books that take
place on foreign planets - I love reading the descriptions
that authors come up with (like the ones in Last Son of Krypton)

The forest is full of mystery & life, and makes a perfect
setting. So far I've only read one book that took place in
the Amazon, but it was amazing! (check out Amazonia)

So, I haven't read any books featuring underground
cities, but I'd like to! The idea just sounds so cool (plus,
it reminds me of the Morlocks in the X-Men comics)

Do you guys even know of any good books that
take place in an underwater lab, because I don't.
I would love to read one, though. (I got the idea
from that Australian TV show, Ocean Girl)

So, have any of these made your list? Let me know if there are any other awesome settings you'd like to see featured in a novel - I was running out of ideas!

Thursday, January 17, 2013


{} Bookish Pet Peeves

Thursday, January 17, 2013 with 4 comments


Wow, it's been a while since I've participated in The Book Chat, but here I am! Today's chat, in addition to being hosted by Sweet Green Tangerine, will also be hosted by Dear Brighton, who came up with today's discussion topic: 

What are some of your bookish pet peeves?

I know that when I'm reading, there are quite a few things that will really bug me. Here's what I can remember off the top of my head:

  1. The Mary Sue and her male equivalent, Gary Stu (or sometimes Marty Stu). I just can't stand when characters are portrayed as being nearly perfect or good at everything, as they just don't feel real to me.

  2. Insta-love. I just don't believe it. I like when books have romance, but the characters have to have substance to their relationship, such as being friends first or being annoyed by each other but gradually falling in love. Something believable, please!

  3. Dog-eared pages. I just don't see why people have to ruin a perfectly good book by folding the page corners when almost anything can function as a book mark. I myself tend to use business cards, as I find them all over.

  4. When you can't tell which character said a certain line. Okay, this is rare, but once in a while there will be a book with a conversation involving multiple characters, and at some point something will be said without any clues as to who said it, and it'll piss me off! I know it really isn't that big of a deal, but it really bugs me.

  5. When people interrupt me while I'm reading. Self-explanatory, really.

  6. When people gush about the movies but refuse to read the book. Or even if they hate the movies and thus refuse to read the book. I can't tell you how many of my friends won't read the HP series, but talk about the movies like they're the best thing ever. Gahhh!!!! Also, my sister is reluctant to read the Hunger Games just because she didn't like the movie. I even bought her a copy of the first book to get her into it, and told her that I thought the movie sucked, too (which I do.)

  7. Mass-market paperbacks. I just prefer trade paperbacks or hardcovers. They look prettier.

  8. Movie tie-in book covers, or "Now A Major Motion Picture!" This is so annoying - I always prefer the original cover to the movie tie-in covers. And I don't care if it was made into a movie, don't ruin the cover by stamping that across it! I always have to go out of my way to ensure that I buy books with the exact covers that I want them to have.

  9. White-washed covers. This means you, Through The Ever Night! Neither Perry nor Roar are white, so why the heck does your cover feature a white Abercrombie male?! Now I have to hold off on purchasing the sequel until a version is released somewhere with an acceptable cover.

  10. Rushed endings, or when things are tied-up way too easily. Why go through all the trouble of writing such a great book, just to wrap everything up in a hurried manner? It can really ruin a story for me.

Wow, that's a lot! I think I'll stick with ten, though I'm sure I can come up with more, f I had enough time. So, how about you guys, what are your bookish pet peeves? Please share them in the comments - I'd love to hear them!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


The Forgotten Ones
Author: Laura Howard
Genre: NA Paranormal Fantasy Romance
Expected release date: May 15, 2013
Age Group: New Adult
Cover Designer: Stephanie Mooney 

Book Description:

Allison O'Malley just graduated from college. Her life's plan is to get a job and take care of her schizophrenic mother. She doesn't have room for friends or even Ethan, who clearly wants more. 

When Allison's long-lost father shows up, he claims he can bring her mother back from the dark place her mind has sent her. He reveals legends of a race of people long forgotten, the Tuatha de Danaan, along with the truth about why he abandoned her mother.

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Saturday, January 12, 2013


Amazon | Goodreads

It’s stupid to fall for your brother’s ex. It’s even worse to enlist another’s help to win the ex over. But Brody is desperate and Hayley, his partner in American Sign Language, is more than willing to lend him a few tips.

She’s the school’s matchmaker,’ and with her bizarre and positive personality, Brody finds her easy to talk to, even about the most awkward situations. Hayley’s tips seem to be working, but as Brody learns more about his matchmaker, he starts finding reasons to spend time with her, and not the girl he thought he was in love with.

But Hayley isn’t ready to fall for anyone. Labeled the “Funny Fat Friend” within her group, her self image makes it impossible for Brody to share his feelings without Hayley shrugging it off as a joke.

Convincing her Brody can, and did, fall for the “Funny Fat Friend” turns out to be harder than simply falling in love.

This book was just so friggin' cute! It was a light, fun, fluffy read, and I read it in two sittings - which would have been one sitting but I really was in need of sleep so I could function properly at work. I don't think I've actually read that many romances told from a male narrator, so was refreshing for me. Yes, I'll admit that you can still easily tell that the book was written by a woman, but eh, it was cute, and I still really liked Brody.

What I Liked Best:

The chapter titles. Each title was reason why Brody fell in love with Hayley, which I thought was really cute. I enjoyed reading through his perspective, and watching him struggle at getting Hayles to see that the feelings he was developing for her were real. I was rooting for him the whole time I was reading.

What I Liked Least:

The author never really gets into a lot of the bigger issues occurring in her characters' lives. We know that Brody is upset with his brother, and that Hayley's mom is really mean and is probably the cause of her insecurities, but those issues are never really dealt with. I know they were added to show why Hayley and Brody were the way they were, and helped drive the story, but I really would have enjoyed seeing a bit more depth to the characters, and seeing some sort of resolution between Brody and his brother, or Hayley and her mother.

Overall Thoughts:

Despite my disappointment at not having some of those issues delved into further, I really loved reading this story. It was insanely cute, and I smiled a lot while reading it. Brody and Haley were super sweet together, and I'll give their story 4.5 Stars! I know I'll be picking this up again when I'm in need of a light, pick-me-up  kind of a read.


Friday, January 11, 2013


Under The Never Sky by Veronica Rossi

Friday, January 11, 2013 with No comments



Aria has lived her whole life in the protected dome of Reverie. Her entire world confined to its spaces, she's never thought to dream of what lies beyond its doors. So when her mother goes missing, Aria knows her chances of surviving in the outer wasteland long enough to find her are slim.

Then Aria meets an outsider named Perry. He's searching for someone too. He's also wild - a savage - but might be her best hope at staying alive.

If they can survive, they are each other's best hope for finding answers.

Holy crap, I was not expecting to love this as much as I did. Wow. Ms. Rossi is an amazing story teller - every scene in this book was woven so well that I was completely engulfed in the story. I always rave about how I love it when an author writes from different character perspectives, so when I discovered that this story would be told from both Aria's and Peregrine's perspectives, I was so ecstatic! I immediately found myself loving them both immensely, and I'm sure that I would not have enjoyed reading this as much if only one side of the story were told.

Aria is a really awesome heroine - she has brains, and even though she finds herself in a situation she has never encountered before, she doesn't just go around complaining about everything, she adapts. Peregrine also appears to be so withdrawn from others, but he's really so caring and protective of his friends, and I enjoyed reading about his life in the Tides and his relationship with his nephew, Talon.

What intrigues me most is that they grew up in a world where there are terrible Aether storms, but it's never really explained exactly where the Aether came from or what it really is. I'm sure the author will explain it more in her coming novels, but for now I just like how you're just expected to accept that the Aether is there, and that's that. I like it. And I want more! Definitely getting the second one, ASAP! But I know there's a short story out about Roar & Liv, so I must get to that first...

5/5 Stars

Oh, and in case you were wondering why I chose to use the UK cover over the American one, it's because I feel it gives a better representation of the characters. I was uber-pissed when I saw the cover for the second book, because the dude on the cover is white! Perry is not white! He's supposed to be a dark tan-skinned color, and his hair is supposed to be blond and a bit knappy. He is not supposed to look like he just walked out of Abercrombie & Fitch. GAH! Makes me want to hold off on buying the second book. Maybe I'll just get the kindle version until a version with a better cover is released. Did anyone else get upset when they saw that cover?
