Thursday, February 14, 2013

So, in the spirit of Valentine's Day (or Single Awareness Day, in my case), this week's chat is about romance novels. Now, as I've mentioned in a previous post, I don't really tend to read books that are strictly romance, but I do often read books of other genres that have romances in them. My absolute favorite love story, whether in novel or film form, is between Elizabeth Bennet & Mr. Darcy in Jane Austen's Pride & Prejudice. I just adore the chemistry between those two, and never tire of their story.

"In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you." - Mr. Darcy

Other Romances I Enjoyed

Aria & Perry (Under The Never Sky)
Ella & Prince Char (Ella Enchanted)
Amy & Poe (Secret Society Girl)

I truly am a huge fan of the romance genre, but I like to read books from such diverse genres that romances aren't a large percentage of my book choices. I actually think I get most of my romance fix from movies. I've even *gasp* seen a lot of romance films that are based on books without ever reading the novels. Not that I don't plan on reading them in book form, but with everything that's on my TBR, it may take a while.

Here are some of the books I would like to read the most, based on my love for their on-screen versions:

Gone With The Wind by Margaret Mitchell
North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell
P.S. I Love You by Cecelia Ahern

Trust me, there are a TON of others, but those three were the first to come to mind, and they've been on my to-read list for as long as I can remember. I feel I should mention that North and South isn't actually a movie, but a BBC mini-series. If you haven't seen it, it's EPIC, and it's available for streaming on Netflix.

Thanks for stopping by - if you feel like participating in this week's book chat, feel free to make your own post and link-up HERE.


  1. The Gone with the Wind book is probably a thousand, bajillion times better than the movie. The movie stands as a classic in it's own right, but Margaret MItchell is an incredible writer. If you loved Scarlett/Rhett in the movie - you're in for a real treat when you get around to the book :)

  2. I'm the same way; I don't read romance novels but I've read some amazing love stories. :)

  3. omg PS I Love You! I've had that on my bookshelf for soooo long and completely forgot about it. I'm kind of afraid the book ruins the movie for me, which I just love so much. But I really want to read the book!


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are truly appreciated, and I always try to respond to each of you at your own blogs. Have an awesome day! :)