Wednesday, August 14, 2013

by Elle Cosimano
Expected Publication: March 25, 2014 by Kathy Dawson Books

Bones meets Fringe in a big, dark, scary, brilliantly-plotted urban thriller that will leave you guessing until the very end.

Nearly Boswell knows how to keep secrets. Living in a DC trailer park, she knows better than to share anything that would make her a target with her classmates. Like her mother's job as an exotic dancer, her obsession with the personal ads, and especially the emotions she can taste when she brushes against someone's skin. But when a serial killer goes on a killing spree and starts attacking students, leaving cryptic ads in the newspaper that only Nearly can decipher, she confides in the one person she shouldn't trust: the new guy at school—a reformed bad boy working undercover for the police, doing surveillance. . . on her.

Nearly might be the one person who can put all the clues together, and if she doesn't figure it all out soon—she'll be next.

Why I Can't Wait To Read This:
That synopsis should be enough of a reason - I mean, wow! Bones meets Fringe? With a bit of  21 Jump Street thrown in for kicks? I'm always on the lookout for YA books that seem to deviate from the normal YA books, and this sounds like it may be right up my alley. Plus, YA fiction could really use more paranormal mystery/suspense/thrillers.

What do you guys think?

If you haven't done so already, feel free to link-up your own Waiting on Wednesday post at Breaking The Spine. And if you add a link to your WoW post in the comments, I'll be sure to check it out.


  1. This one is popular today. Thanks for sharing :)

    following via bloglovin

  2. A great WoW pick :) I have seen this on quite a few blogs today, it sounds amazing.

    Sharon - Obsession with Books


  3. This is the first time I am hearing of this book and it sounds amazing. Thanks for showcasing it! New follower :)

  4. That book looks amazing! I haven't heard about it before!
    Thanks for sharing!

    Lis @ The reader lines

  5. We've seen this a few times today! Looks good!

  6. This is a great choice, I can't wait to read it! New GFC/bloglovin follower :)

    Here's my WoW.

    Stop by my giveaway if you have a moment!

    Jess @ Such A Novel Idea

  7. YES, YES and YES!
    Great choices! I have been looking forward to this for so long!

    Anyways besides your good taste in Wow books aha, I’ve been reading for posts and I seriously put 4 books in my TBR shelve so thank you for that!

    I’m a new blogger and would really appreciate it if you would check out my WOW and followed my blog @

  8. I've been seeing a lot of "darker" YA picks today... and I kind of love it... and that makes me sound a little creepy but I've been in the mood for more thriller-ish, creepy-ish books, so this is kind of perfect. I'm definitely going to be picking this one up when it's released!

    Great choice!
    My WoW
    Chelsea @ Books Turn Brains


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are truly appreciated, and I always try to respond to each of you at your own blogs. Have an awesome day! :)