Thursday, August 01, 2013

{August Releases}

Thursday, August 01, 2013 with No comments
Wow, I can't believe it's already August! It still feels as though the year had just started, but now there are only five months left to it. I have to apologize for all of my infrequent posting lately - so much has been going on in my life that I really haven't had time to make any decent posts. Plus, I'm back to job-hunting again, as I am no longer in Nevada, but back home in Texas (finally!). Let me tell you, it is not a good time to be unemployed. But here's hoping - wish me luck! In the meantime, I thought I'd share some of the August book releases that I'm looking forward to the most:

*Click on the covers to view the books on Goodreads*

I think I'm most curious to read Relic, as the plot sounds very intriguing - people make a living extracting magic from the bones of long-extinct magical creatures, and then they either sell that magic or harness its power for their own use. I hope it's as good as it sounds! So far, the reviews look promising (29 five-star reviews out of 39 ratings on Goodreads!) 

Which August release are you looking forward to reading the most? Please let me know in the comments below, even if it isn't one of books shown above. 


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