Saturday, September 12, 2015

Literary Kickstarters, Vol. 1

Saturday, September 12, 2015 with 1 comment

I am completely obsessed with the Kickstarter platform! I just love the idea that hardworking, talented artists can crowdsource the funds to create such amazing projects. As a frequent browser & backer on the site, I couldn't help but notice the significant amount of bookish Kickstarter projects that get funded - I didn't realize that there would be so many "literary Kickstarters," and that authors would turn to crowdsourcing to fund their novels, until I discovered Kelly Thompson's The Girl Who Would Be King

Since then, I've discovered many other great projects to back, and I just couldn't help but share them with the world! Thus came the idea to start a new feature to showcase what I believe to be the "Best of the Best" - projects so neat that I just had to spread the love! Through this feature, I hope to introduce you to some great Kickstarters, so without further ado, here are three awesome projects that are currently available to back:

This is a reproduction of Lewis Carroll's original Alice story, Alice's Adventures Underground, which he wrote for young Alice Liddell (and of which there only exists one handwritten copy!). This reproduction will stay true to the original by keeping Carroll's handwriting & drawings intact, as seen in the picture above. Plus, proceeds from the sale of this book will benefit the British Library! Once this Kickstarter ends, there won't be any way to purchase this again, as the British Library holds the license to the original book, and is granting permissions to this project for a limited time only!

Strays is an amazing webcomic created by Samantha Whitten and Stacey Pefferkorn. The series has just come to an end, and already has the first two volumes of the comic in bound form available to purchase on their website. This Kickstarter is to help fund the creation of a physically bound copy of the third and final volume, and there are some really nice perks available, including a lovely necklace that's featured in the comic! If you're interested in checking it out, the whole comic is available to read online for free HERE. I highly recommend it!

Pernille Ørum is making an art book! Pernille is an incredibly talented Danish artist who is currently working as a character designer for Warner Bros (she's also worked for Disney, Nick Jr, & Mattel). You can check out her work on her website or also on Tumblr. I love her artwork, and this book looks really does look beautiful - I look forward to seeing how the finished product turns out!

So, what do you think? There are some other great bookish projects up on Kickstarter that I encourage you to check out. The three projects above were chosen because I'm truly excited for them to come out, and I hope you'll check them out. If there's a particular Kickstarter  project that you're excited for, please feel free to let me know about it in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow! The Alice in Wonderland book sounds like an awesome idea. I'm not a *huge* fan of Alice and her adventures, but even I can appreciate what Cobblestone Productions is doing here.


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