Tuesday, September 16, 2014

This week's Top 10 list focuses on authors you'd like to re-read. Granted, normally when I read something that I love, I will end up hunting down more books from that author to immediately devour, but my TBR list is so long that sometimes I don't get to them as soon as I'd like. The following list reflects the authors whom I have yet to continue reading, but promise to get to as soon as I am able:

I know, I know - I've only read one Stephen King novel, and it was Cujo. Sad but true. I think the next one I'll try will be It, because that movie is a Halloween tradition in my house, and it's sad that I can quote the movie, but have never read the book. Still, I have a feeling that the first author to get bumped off of this list will be Kelly Thompson, because I already have a copy of Storykiller on my shelf that is just begging for me to start it - I just can't start something new until I finish the Bloodlines series. I'm only on book 2! I just couldn't wait too long after Vampire Academy - I needed more Adrian!

Do you have any authors you've tried, and are dying to read more of? Let me know in the comments below - or leave a link to your own Top 10 list and I'll stop by!


  1. I've only read Catcher in the Rye from your list, but I'm hoping to read something from Stephen King! I haven't yet, and I'm actually feeling a little ashamed :/

  2. I only read Quick off your list but liked it quite enough to maybe read on :)
    I really must start with King's novels, I feel left out not being part of the fandom :D
    Happy reading!

  3. Wow, I haven't read a book by any of those authors… does getting through only the first 3 chapters of The Catcher in the Rye count?

  4. Paolo Bacigalupi made my list, too. I've never read any Stephen King novels! I want to remedy that soon.

  5. IT is one of my favorites of Stephen King, so I hope you enjoy it when you get around to it :)
    Kim @ YA Asylum

  6. I am in the same boat on Bill Konigsberg, and I liked his book so much that you'd think I would have gotten my hands on his other novel by now.

  7. Hey! I know I shouldn't jump the line but I will say that STORYKILLER is a great October read! Monsters, killing, and even a Halloween Masquerade Ball! ;)

    - Kelly Thompson, author (and shameless self promoter) of Storykiller!

    1. I'll keep that in mind - lol! In fact, it does sound like a good October read. It's in my queue, promise!


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are truly appreciated, and I always try to respond to each of you at your own blogs. Have an awesome day! :)