Sunday, April 01, 2012

Tiger's Curse by Colleen Houck

Sunday, April 01, 2012 with No comments
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My Summary:
A young girl named Kelsey gets a summer job at a Circus and becomes drawn to their main attraction, a white tiger. Soon she gets the job offer of the century from a man visiting from India named Mr. Kadam who purchases the tiger - an offer to go to India to help transport the tiger to its new home (all expenses paid.) She agrees and soon finds out that not only is the tiger really a 300+ year old (hot) Indian prince named Ren (who can turn into a human for a few moments each day), but that she is the only one who can help him break the curse, which entails searching through various caverns and mystical Indian locations for powerful items that may be the key to making Ren a full-time human again.

What I liked best:
The Indian mythology, and aspects of the culture. I thought that made Tiger's Curse different than other YA novels, and to me that made the story more appealing. It was nice to read a novel that was about a cursed tiger prince rather than your average vampire/werewolf/ghost etc. novel.

What I liked least:
The way it was written. I would be reading, and every few pages I would be thinking, Who talks like this? For example, I understand that the author wanted to add background information about Indian mythology for the readers' sake, but the way she had Mr. Kadam explain things to Kelsey sounded like he was quoting the Encyclopedia Britannica. I also didn't like how quickly Kelsey believed everything - she finds out that the circus tiger is really a good looking prince, and she just believes it, and heads off on a journey with him to cure his curse without batting an eyelash? Really? I felt that all the characters were all about as cliché as they could be.

Overall thoughts:
It took me a while to read this one. I thought it started off rather slowly, and since I was quickly becoming annoyed with the main character, Kelsey, I kept putting it down. But the story really picked up during the last half. Yes, Kelsey actually became even more annoying than I had thought at the beginning, but the plot moved faster and became quite interesting - mostly when Kelsey and Ren went searching for the Golden Fruit in an effort to help break Ren's curse and turn him into a human again. So, while I thought the writing and bits of the story really had some issues (and did I mention having A LOT of WTF? moments when it came to the writing?), it still had a few okay-enough moments. Who knows, I may eventually get around to finishing the series out of sheer curiosity - just not anytime soon.

If you read the series, or are planning to, please share your thoughts! (by the way, don't you just love that cover?)



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