Friday, November 09, 2012

Follow Friday | 08

Friday, November 09, 2012 with 5 comments
Follow Friday, or Feature & Follow, is a meme hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. The premise is for bloggers to get to know more about other bloggers, and to keep in touch with each other while also discovering new blogs. This week's question:

Do you mind books with similar ideas to other books? Similar concepts, backgrounds, retellings or pulled-to-publish fan-fic?

Not at all! Nowadays, it's nearly impossible to find something that is truly original, so my choices would be very limited if I did mind it. But in my opinion, if I really like a certain book, then I usually end up wanting more. In those instances, finding similar books can be rewarding.

As for retellings - I absolutely adore them! Especially if they are re-tellings of fairy tales. I find them fun to read. I'm still new to fanfiction though, so I haven't formed many opinions on it. There once was a time when I refused to read it because I believed that the original author's words should be set in stone and not re-written by teenage daydreamers, but now I'm slowly opening up to it. I'll only read Harry Potter fanfics, though.....and yes, I am extremely picky. For me, a fic must be well-written, and the characters must stay true to their personalities in the books (and no cross-overs or alternate universes). I also prefer lengthy fics. I would love any recs, as I've only read a small few (I said I was new to it!)


  1. I agree with you on finding books similar to those that I loved! I haven't done it yet, though XD

    New GFC follower! Here's my F&F post ^^

    - Kazhy @ My Library in the Making

  2. Hopping through. I love fanfic under the same parameters as you. Some of it is really good. I've been writing some HPfic lately. It's a lot of fun.
    My Hop

  3. I know what you mean! And I totally agree! Tbh I'm not a huge fan of re-tellings. Or it could be that I don't read much of them nowadays. More of similar concepts I guess! :D

    I'm a new follower.

    You have a lovely blog btw! Here's My FF

  4. Love your blog! I'm your newest follower, I found you through Parajunkee's FF

    -Kate the Book Buff
    Recent Post: Feature and Follow: Whaddya Think of Bookish Copycats and Fanfic?

  5. Oh, I love almost all kinds of fanfics. There are some that I don't like too much (like hardcore lemon/smut.. too much instant gratification and OOC going on, there), but AU settings really appeal to me.. *grin*

    In any case, great answer! New LinkyFollower! :)

    Patricia // My Hop


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are truly appreciated, and I always try to respond to each of you at your own blogs. Have an awesome day! :)