Wednesday, February 05, 2014

What I'm Listening To

Wednesday, February 05, 2014 with 2 comments

Melyssa @ The Nectar Collective has started a year-long project called The Creative Collective, which is a creative social project featuring fun posts that are designed to get our creative juices flowing, all while introducing us to some great blogs! If you're interested in checking it out, you can do so HERE

Today's prompt is all about the music, and is one that I did not want to miss out on. Music is a HUGE part of my life, even more-so than books. In fact, other than because of work, one of the main reasons I don't read as much as I'd like to is because I'm either too busy listening to music, or searching for new artists to fall in love with. I like to think of it this way: it's not exactly the books themselves that I love, but the stories that they contain. It doesn't matter what the medium is (whether a book, movie, song, etc.), a good story is a good story, and I just happen to feel that music is one of the best ways to experience one. 

On that note, I thought that for this particular prompt, I would share some of the songs that I've had on repeat a lot lately. This playlist could go on forever, but I tried my best to shorten it to some of my top favorites of the moment (FYI, my top favorites pretty much change on a bi-weekly basis, so a few weeks from now my list will look nothing like this.) Here you go:

Also, I almost wasn't going to share this one, since it isn't even on Spotify, but I felt that I'd be cheating you guys by not putting this in. I'm not a regular listener of the Jonas Brothers, but I came across this song randomly on YouTube (it was one of those sidebar recommended videos), and holy crap, who knew they were this good?! Even if you aren't into their teen pop songs, you should give this a listen - it's a really beautiful song, and according to Wikipedia, Nick Jonas wrote and produced it himself. Dude's got talent, and I gotta give credit where credit is due...

I am always looking for new music, so if any of you dear readers has a recommendation for some songs that you feel are so good, they should be heard by everyone you know, please let me know in the comments! I listen to anything and everything, as long as I think it sounds good, and I guarantee that there is a 100% chance I'll check out any song you send my way, if I haven't heard it already! :)

Recommended Sites for Fellow Music Junkies
The Hype Machine / The Mashup Radio / NoiseTrade / Tiny Mix Tapes


  1. I love AWOLNATION. It's so nice to see someone list a song besides Sail! Also if you ignore the boy-band songs from the Jonas Brothers there are some real gems. Nick also did a side project a couple years ago called Nick Jonas and the Administration. If you want some more songs like the one you listed I'd suggest checking them out. My personal favorite is Who I Am.

    1. Not bad, but I think his voice in 'Wedding Bells' has matured a lot in the three years since that album - definitely the best I've heard from him. 'Who I Am' is the best track on that album...but I think I like another song I recently heard, 'Black Keys,' better. Thanks for the rec!


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are truly appreciated, and I always try to respond to each of you at your own blogs. Have an awesome day! :)