Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Semi-Charmed Winter 2015 Book Challenge

Tuesday, November 10, 2015 with No comments

Yet again, I will be participating in Megan's reading challenge, dubbed the Semi-Charmed Winter 2015 Book Challenge. Megan hosts a challenge every season, and while I have yet to fully complete one, I always end up reading some great books that I wouldn't have picked up if it weren't for this challenge (which is sort of like a bookish scavenger hunt, as you have to find and read books that fit under the given categories - one book can only count towards one category). 

This post is basically where I track what books I am able to read during the challenge, but feel free to check out the categories below and see if this challenge is something you'd like to participate in. It runs from Nov. 1st - January 31st, so you can still sign up if you'd like to give it a try - it's fun! Here are the categories for this season's challenge:

5 points: Read a book that has between 100 and 200 pages.

10 points: Read a debut book by any author. (The book does not have to be a 2015 debut.)

10 points: Read a book that does not take place in your current country of residence.

10 points: Read a book (200+ pages) that someone else has already used for the challenge.

The Dry Grass of August by Anna Jean Mayhew (Read by Tara)
Zeitoun by Dave Eggers (Read by Kathie)

15 points: Read a book published under a pseudonym.

Trapped by Jack Kilborn (a pseudonym for J.A. Konrath)

15 points: Read a book with “boy,” “girl,” “man” or “woman” in the title (or the plural of these).

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell (464 pages; 5 stars)

15 points: Read a book with a one-word title (e.g. AttachmentsAmericanahUgliesWild, etc.).

20 points: Read a book with a person's first and last name in the title .

The Accidental Afterlife of Thomas Marsden by Emma Trevayne (247 pages; 3 stars)

20 points: Read a food-themed book.

The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan

20 points: Read a book with a verb in the title.

Carry On by Rainbow Rowell

30 points: Read two books with the same title (by different authors).

Relic by Renee Collins
Relic by Douglass Preston & Lincoln Child

Trapped by Jack Kilborn
Trapped by Michael Northrop

Sold by Patricia McCormick
Sold by Zana Muhsen, with Andrew Crofts

30 points: Read a nonfiction book and a fiction book about the same subject.

Two books about depression & mental illness:

Furiously Happy by Jenny Lawson (non-fiction)
It's Kind of a Funny Story by Ned Vizzini (fiction)



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