Monday, January 19, 2015

My Resolutions for 2015

Monday, January 19, 2015 with 1 comment

Because reading is better than real lifeHappy New Year, everyone!

Welcome to 2015!!!

Already, I've been quite busy this year, so I apologize for the mini-hiatus I had to go on over the holiday - I do, however, have a lot of ideas for the upcoming year, and have been busy working out a blogging schedule for 2015. No more excuses!

I didn't like the fact that last year seemed so sporadic, as I focused too much on my work life to have much of a personal one - it's a resolution of mine to find a balance between the two, which is actually what  this post is about, as well.

I came across the 2015 Bookish Resolutions Challenge (hosted by Michelle @ Because Reading Is Better Than Real Life and Laura @ Trips Down Imagination Road) while perusing the feed on my Blogger Dashboard, and thought I'd join in, since I was planning on creating a resolutions post, anyway. I actually have a lot of resolutions for the year, and really had to narrow my list down to something that was actually do-able. Here's what I came up with:

Blogging/Reading Goals
  1. Read at least 67 books in 2015.
  2. I regularly participate in the Goodreads reading challenge and aim to read 50 books, but for some reason last year and the year before, I read 67 books exactly. I figured, why not? I'll aim to beat that number, of course, but for now, I'll set that as my target.
  3. Read the books on my shelf.
  4. I have a lot of physical books that I hope to get to this year - I really need to start reading what I buy, as I am running out of shelf space. I plan on making more space by donating any books I end up disliking.
  5. Post at least 3 times per week.
  6. Starting now, lol. I also hope to create more discussion posts.
  7. Review more of the books I read.
  8. Let's face it - I haven't actually posted a book review in quite a while. I'm aiming to change that this year by aiming to review all of the books that I count towards my reading challenges.
  9. Complete my reading challenges.
  10. I'm trying not to overwhelm myself this year by joining challenges that are a bit more "loose" with their rules (such as: read more diverse books, or re-read some old favorites) instead of having to read a set number. I love reading challenges, but would never want to dismiss reading a book because it doesn't fit into any of my challenges for the year.
Personal Goals
  1. Get more sleep.
  2. I really have trouble going to sleep, and for me, falling asleep by midnight is actually early, as I tend to stay up until around 2am, though I have to be up every morning by 6:30am to get ready for work. I know, right? My goal is to fall asleep before midnight each night.
  3. Have more experiences (or, GET OUT MORE!!!).
  4. I'm an introvert, and a bit of a shut in. I barely got my first car last year, and was proud of myself for using it to attend as many concerts as I did, even though I went to most of them by myself. This year, I'd like to continue concert-going, but I'd also like to see a bit more of what my city has to offer, such as going for a ride on the Wyler Aerial Tramway or having a beer at Rosa's Cantina.
  5. Lose 20 pounds.
  6. This one speaks for itself, really.
  7. De-clutter our home.
  8. It's really time to let go of all the crap we don't use anymore. I think this one will be more manageable if I tackle one room at a time.
  9. Keep a journal to track my resolution progress.
  10. I would really like to stay on top of my goals, and whether or not I do so, I'd like to track it in a journal and hold myself accountable.

I know that I've listed a lot of resolutions, but what's wrong with having goals? I specifically chose goals that are actually obtainable due to their vagueness, and have already started journaling out my plan. As long as I do my best to complete even some of these resolutions, I'll already be having a better year than 2014.

    So, what do you think? Do you have any resolutions that you'd like to share?
    Please do so in the comments below!

1 comment:

  1. Those sound like some great resolutions. Good luck, Kimberly!

    I sometimes struggle with the being introvert/not going out enough too, so I have this goal where I try to do *something* outside of the house every week. Sometimes this means travelling to new places, or go to a concert, but having drinks with friends or seeing a movie count too. It really helps pushing me outside of my comfort zone without being too stressful


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are truly appreciated, and I always try to respond to each of you at your own blogs. Have an awesome day! :)