Wednesday, July 11, 2012

{Wrap-Up} Once Upon a Read-a-Thon

Wednesday, July 11, 2012 with No comments

Okay, so the Once Upon a Read-a-Thon has officially come to an end (though it's not yet midnight here, so technically I still have another half hour). I know I've been maintaining an updates post, but here's a final list of what I read, and some very brief, non-spoilery thoughts:

  • Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green & David Levithan (5/5)
    I adored this book! I really loved how John and David each wrote from the eyes of their respective Will Graysons, and how different, yet similar, their characters were. I've never read a John Green book that I didn't instantly love, and this is no exception. Now I have to read more by David Levithan...
  • Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins (4/5)
    I liked this a lot more than I thought I would - it was very cute! There were a few parts that annoyed me about Anna, but that was mostly because of how stubborn she had been about first arriving in Paris and her feelings about Toph. I think I may be crushing on St. Clair now, though. Plus, the writing was witty and fantastic!
  • Sophie & Carter by Chelsea Fine (3/5)
  • This was a short novella that I thought was really cute (maybe a little too cute, in some parts, but I kinda liked it). It's basically about the love between a girl (who takes care of her three younger siblings because her mom is off selling her body as a prostitute who-knows-where) and the boy-next-door (who was abused by his father as a child and now takes care of his mentally unstable mother). They were the only ones who knew each-other's secrets, and 
    I found myself rooting for them. Short and sweet, but rather simple.
  • Sleeping Handsome by Jean Haus (1/5)
  • This was an even shorter novella, which I was glad for because I did not like it. It was supposed to be a sleeping beauty retelling, only with the roles reversed (girl wakes boy). I don't want to spoil it (though it's a retelling, so you can guess how it goes), but I'll just say that it was completely unrealistic, and Paige was NOT a like-able character - she was shallow and rather annoying. Plus, the ending was terrible. I'm surprised I finished this one.
  • Little Brother by Corey Doctorow (9/ okay 5/5)
  • AMAZING!!!! It was EPIC. I can only urge you to PLEASE, PLEASE READ THIS if you have not done so already. Check out the link to the Goodreads page synopsis, and if you add it to your TBR, you WILL NOT REGRET IT! I can't believe how awesome today was just because of that book - it was definitely an experience. Plus, all the cool tech-savvy lingo and hacking in the book made me feel cool just reading it. ;) 

So, in the end I read three books and two novellas. The only thing I did not enjoy was the Sleeping Handsome novella. Other than that, everything I read was very worth it, and I look forward to participating in the next Read-a-Thon, as it really made me wanna sit my butt down and focus on reading without distraction!


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