I seem to have stumbled across an amazing event over at Aentee's blog, Read At Midnight, called #TheReadingQuest, just in time! This event will be taking place from Sunday, August 13th, to Sunday, September 10th, and features some gorgeous artwork by CW @ Read, Think, Ponder - just see for yourself by checking out the awesome game board below (click the image to view the full size):
If you're curious to check out the rules of the event, you can check out the sign-up page HERE. But basically, like an RPG, you can choose your class, and this class will determine your quest (which in this instance is a reading quest). Below are the four classes that you can choose from:
I think I'll choose the Bard for this challenge, and aim for the following books (which are subject to change on a whim):
A Book That Has A TV/Movie Adaptation:
A Fairy Tale Retelling:
A Book Cover With Striking Typography:
A Book Translated From Another Language:
A Banned Book:
I don't really have any plans right now for any of the other paths, as I would be super lucky to even finish all of the above books within the time-frame. I'm curious to see how I do in this challenge, however. Most of the books above were chosen because they're books that have been sitting on my bookshelf, and still have yet to be read! So hopefully this challenge will help me out with getting to them, hehe.
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