So, I just realized that Megan @ Semi-Charmed Kind of Life was already hosting the Summer 2015 Book Challenge. I'm about a month late, but I've decided to still sign up and give this challenge a go, since, surprisingly, a lot of the books that I read in May can count towards a category. I'm excited that I'm not behind!
If anyone is interested in joining, there's still time - you can sign up and count any applicable books that have been read since May 1st, 2015. Let me know if you decide to join in!
If anyone is interested in joining, there's still time - you can sign up and count any applicable books that have been read since May 1st, 2015. Let me know if you decide to join in!
10 points: Read a book you have never heard of before.
Falling by Barbara Elsborg
(282 pages; browsing on Amazon & immediately bought it and read it on my Kindle)
10 points: Read a book that has been on your TBR list for at least two years.
15 points: Read a book by an author who is completely new to you.
15 points: Read a book by an author you have read before. (No re-reads for this one.)
15 points: Read a book with "light" or "dark" in the title. (Or "lightness" or "darkness.")
20 points: Read a book with the name of a city, state or country in the title. The place must be real, either current or historical, but not fictional.
Monument 14 by Emmy Laybourne (294 pages; named after Monument, Colorado)
20 points: Read a book with an animal on the cover.
25 points: Read a book that is part of a series with at least four books.
25 points: Read a book that is longer than 500 pages long.
30 points: Read a book with an alliterative title.
Ending Points: 120
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