Monday, July 07, 2014

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Bad Blood by Nikki Jefford 
(Aurora Sky: Vampire Hunter #3) 
Publication Date: June 4th 2014
GenresParanormal, Urban Fantasy, Young Adult
Aurora returns from boot camp to a new assignment, an unwelcome roommate, and the increasingly amorous attentions of a certain vampire hunter.

College is starting, and so is Aurora’s undercover work at a network of swanky parties known as “Tastings” for high rolling vampires who like their blood laced with fine wine. But Aurora’s not the only one on the prowl. An underground investigation is under way to find out who killed one of Anchorage’s most prominent vampires… and Aurora is a prime suspect.

Wow, Nikki Jefford has done it again! In this novel, we get to see Aurora doing a lot more growing up - not only does she complete a vampire hunter boot camp, move out of her family's house, and start college, but she finally starts "growing up" in her decision-making, as well. Granted, for a *small* chunk of the book, I found her insanely annoying (due to the way she handled both her romantic struggles and her anger towards Noel), but eventually she started realizing that there were more important things to worry about, and she became much more interesting.

As always, I found the best part of this book to be the world-building. The world Aurora lives in is fascinating, and, like the previous books in the series, I found myself completely drawn in to the story (I read this particular book in less than a day!) I think what I like about this series so much is that it's just so different from other YA Vampire Romance novels. Not only is vampirism specific to AB bloodlines, but the heroine of the story is a vampire hunter who was recruited by the government to defeat them, without even being aware that (SPOILER!) she may even be a vampire herself. It's nice to read a vampire novel that deviates so far from the "normal" vampiric story-lines that I see around.

And, whereas normally I find myself completely rooting for one particular guy to get the gal, in this love triangle I'm totally on the fence. I like Dante and Fane, and I'm fine with Aurora choosing either or neither of them (or even both! (^_−)☆) It's not often that I feel this way about love triangles, so kudos to Jefford for creating two male characters that are equally flawed, yet awesome! Once again, I'm looking forward to the next book! (Though please, PLEASE release another Noel Harper novella - she rocks!)

Bookaholic, nature girl, and animal lover.

Nikki Jefford is a third generation Alaskan who found paradise in the not-so-tropical San Juan Islands (WA) where she is, once more, neighbors with Canada in a town without a single traffic light.

She married the love of her life, Sebastien, while working as a teaching assistant in France. They reside with their Westie, Cosmo in Friday Harbor.

Loves fictional bad boys and heroines who kick butt.
Author Links

Tour-Wide Giveaway
-- Femme Fatale Handmade sterling silver pendant (INTL)
-- "Bite Me" Drawstring bag with swag (INTL)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

***Don’t miss STAKEOUT, Vol. 2.5, a 54,000 word novella featuring Noel Harper and the entire Aurora Sky gang. Now available on Kindle, Nook, Kobo, & iTunes.***


  1. Glad you liked it, Kimberly! Sounds like this series keeps getting better and better! :) And being unable to pick which team you land on when it comes to the romance is my kind of love triangle (I'm not against triangles like some are, just when they're overly dramatic or just for kicks). Great review! :)

    1. Thanks - I agree, love triangles are best when they actually have substance!

  2. Hahaha, both. I'm so Team Fane. I just can't resist him, though the series would be far different without Dante's comic relief.

    1. I know - Dante just kind of snuck up on me...


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