Friday, September 20, 2013

{Follow Friday} My Favorite Picture Books

Friday, September 20, 2013 with 11 comments

Follow Friday, or Feature & Follow, is a meme hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. The premise is for bloggers to get to know more about other bloggers, and to keep in touch with each other while also discovering new blogs. This week's prompt is as follows:

What were some of your favorite picture books as a kid? If you have kids, what are your favorites to read to them?

I don't have any kids, but I absolutely adored reading as a child. I admit, once I learned to read I pretty much delved straight into chapter books (like the Goosebumps series), but I still had a few picture books that I would go back to once in a while because I liked them so much. Here are a couple that I remember enjoying the most:

I also had a lot of books from both the Walt Disney Fun-To-Learn Library & the Walt Disney Fun-To-Read Library, which I loved reading. Here are three of my favorites from each set:

To be honest, it's a little hard trying to remember all of the picture books I loved as a kid - it doesn't help that all of those books are probably buried somewhere in the garage, where I'm unable to reach them. I know I also enjoyed reading The Berenstain Bears and the Little Critter books, along with the Little Golden Books (which I had a lot of), and almost anything that was ever on Reading Rainbow.

So, what were some of your favorite picture books to read as a kid?


  1. Love all the Disney books! Great choices :)

    New GFC follower :)
    Amanda @ i solemnly swear

  2. Cool picks. I remember these :)

    Happy Friday!

  3. love all the disney books on your list!I don't think there's one person who doesn't like disney!

    new follower via bloglovin and gfc!

    Guinevere & Libertad @ TwinjabookReviews

  4. These are great choices! I love the disney books!

    New Bloglovin follower!


  5. This is too cute.

    BTW, love your blog banner!


  6. The 2 last ones are very cute. I have all the old editions (the french ones) of the Famous Five and I love their covers :)

  7. Monsters ALWAYS have the best books written about them! I especially like "There's a Nightmare In My Closet" by Mercer Mayer:

    And "Leonardo the Terrible Monster" by Mo Willems (the man is a genius):

    Here's my FF, if you're interested!:

    1. I loved anything scary or monster related as a kid! Thanks for the recs! I've read the Mercer Mayer book, but I hadn't heard of 'Leonardo the Terrible Monster' - maybe I'll get a copy for my niece.

    2. Anytime. Seriously. I love giving picture book recommendations. I will gladly be your guru.

      One more monster-related book of note:

      Lydia Monks is almost as good as Mo Willems. :) Her book about spiders is my fave, though. It's both creepy (in a wriggly, buggy, little kid way) and sparkly. Could there be anything better?

  8. I want to write down all these books you shared. I'm always looking for older books for my kids to read. Sometimes I feel like some of the books now aren't as good as the ones from when I was a kid...but that might be just me, LOL. I love your header btw. :) glad to be a new follower

    1. I know, right? Nothing beats the good ol' days...thank you so much for the follow! :)


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are truly appreciated, and I always try to respond to each of you at your own blogs. Have an awesome day! :)