Monday, December 24, 2012

So, I noticed on Booktastic Reviews that there's a 5 day event going on called Top 10 of 2012, in which you compile Top 10 lists based on books you've read over the year. Being the list addict that I am, I immediately thought I'd hop on board! If you're interested in participating, this event is being hosted by A Life Bound By Books, Confessions of a Bookaholic, Fiktshun, Two Chicks on Books, and Magical Urban Fantasy Reads. Wow, that was a mouth full! 

Now, for the first topic of the week -

Best Books I've Read In 2012:
*in no particular order*
(click on the covers to go to their Goodreads pages) 


Honorable Mentions: 

How about you guys - have you made a list of your top reads in 2012? If so, let me know and I'll go check them out! Maybe I'll find some books to add to my 2013 TBR list...


  1. Thanks so much for the mention! :D

    I really enjoyed Cinder too! I also want to read To Kill a Mockingbird as I've heard such great things about it, and as for John Green? I'm always telling myself I need to pick up one of his books but I always forget - no matter how many times I tell myself! :(

    Great list!

    - Rachel xx

  2. LOVED The fault in our stars <3 <3 And Cinder totally rocked too! :D Great list ;) And merry Christmas!! ;) :)


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are truly appreciated, and I always try to respond to each of you at your own blogs. Have an awesome day! :)