Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Top 10 Books On My Spring TBR List

Tuesday, March 20, 2012 with 9 comments
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week there is a different topic for a top 10 list that bloggers can make, and this week's list is 'Top 10 Books on my Spring TBR List,' with all the books having a release date between March 20th and June 21st 2012. I am a huge fan of lists (I'm not kidding - I make them ALL the time, including a looong Bucket List that's currently using up a composition notebook) so of course I was pretty giddy to find that a meme like this existed. So, on to my top 10 TBR list, in order by release date:

01) Above by Leah Bobet (April 1)
I love the description of this urban fantasy! 
02) Storybound by Marissa Burt (April 3)
Storybook characters go to a school to a school to learn their roles. How cool is that?
03) Chosen Ones by Tiffany Truitt (April 10)
I love dystopian novels, & this one not only has government conspiracies, but artificial humans!
04) The Selection by Kiera Cass (April 24)
I heard that the CW might pick this up as a TV series. Must be good...
05) Black Dawn by Rachel Caine (May 1)
I love the Morganville Vampire series. Each book always manages to keep me glued to the pages.
06) Enchanted by Alethea Kontis (May 8)
This girl writes stories that end up coming true! Plus it has a frog prince!
07) The Hunt by Andrew Fukuda (May 8)
This sounds good! In a world where humans are hunted for blood, this stars a human girl on the run.
08) Nightshifted by Cassie Alexander (May 22)
I like the premise of a nurse with paranormal patients - it just sounds cool!
09) The Glimpse by Claire Merle (June 7)
What can I say - if it's a YA dystopia, I will want to read it...
10) This Is Not A Test by Courtney Summers (June 19)
A Zombie novel! I've got 4 older brothers, so I grew up loving zombie movies. Plus, I like that it's about a girl who's trying to decide if her life is worth living anymore - trying to find a shred of hope in a world where people end up trying to eat you...


  1. Oh! I'm really looking forward to Above as well! That cover is so gorgeous. I read The Selection and really enjoyed it. Fabulous choices!
    I adore Paranormalcy! It's such a fun book.
    My Top Ten Tuesday

  2. Oops...apparently when I copied my link I also copied my last comment. Just disregard that about Paranormalcy... :)

  3. I can't wait to read Chosen Ones and Above too! The Hunt looks awesome, I'm glad to be reviewing it soon. :)

    Here's my TTT♥
    Check my international giveaway!

  4. Storybound is on my list as well :] Here is my Top Ten

  5. I want to read Black Dawn and This Is Not a Test, too!

    Here's my top ten!

  6. So many that sound so interesting! Great list, here's mine: http://whatsontheshelf.wordpress.com/2012/03/20/top-ten-tuesday-10/

  7. What a fantastic list! Above, storybound, enchanted and this is not a test are so high on my tbr list. Wonderful taste ;) I just become a new follower, because I have the idea we've a similar taste.

    My list:

  8. Great picks! I'm looking forward to a lot of these. The Selection and Enchanted are on the top of my list.

    My TTT

  9. New follower! Above and The Selection are on my must read list as well! Here is my Top Ten if you'd like to follow back: http://theonceandfuturelibrarian.blogspot.com/2012/03/top-ten-tuesday-spring-break-reading.html


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are truly appreciated, and I always try to respond to each of you at your own blogs. Have an awesome day! :)