Okay, so I found this meme over at Angieville, and of course I had to do it! (the original post is from The Happily Ever After)
1. What is your favorite genre to read?
I've found that at the moment I really enjoy reading Dystopian/Post-Apocalyptic novels. They're just so much fun, with such different worlds than how our own is right now.
2. What is the first romance novel you ever read & how old were you when you read it?
Does paranormal romance count? Because if so then my first was Playing With Fire by Gena Showalter. It was the first book I read that actually had some 'adult/mature' scenes, and I was a senior in high school (17) when I read it. I didn't know it was that kinda book - all I knew when I got it at the used book store was that it was about a girl who gained super-powers...
3. How many books--paper or ebooks--are in your existing TBR pile?
Oh wow. I honestly have no idea. I have TBR lists on Goodreads, Amazon, and on scattered papers around my room. I also have a mental TBR list. I'd have to say it's definitely over a couple hundred, due to the many classic novels I'd also like to tackle. I may never get to read every book I'd like to read, but at least I know I'll never NOT have something to read.
4. Do you read nonfiction? If so, from which sub-genre?
Yes I do, from different sub-genres, if the mood suits me. My favorites are Memoirs and Travelogues.
5. Do you own an e-reading device? If so, which one(s)?
I have a Kindle 3. Which apparently is now called a Kindle Keyboard (I prefer the original name.) I love it!
6. Which one book have you re-read most often?
I re-read the whole Harry Potter series pretty much on a yearly basis.
7. How many library books do you have out right now?
None. I have too may purchased books I'd like to get read first.
8. How do you mark your place in a book?
With anything small and paper-like (business cards, receipts, index cards, etc.) I do not like dog-eared pages.
It changes all the time. Not as many as I would like, though.
10. What was the last book that made you cry?
I shed a couple tears reading John Green's The Fault In Our Stars, but the last book I read that made me sob uncontrollably was Looking for Alaska, which I barely read at the end of 2011.
Also 'The Fault In Our Stars.'